Thursday, November 6, 2014

National Conservation Leadership Institute: Cohort 9 Fellows Complete Their 1st Residency

The 36 Fellows of NCLI Cohort 9 completed their first residency on October 15 at the National Conservation Training Center (NCTC) in Shepherdstown, WV. In addition to the tremendous courage, dedication and hard work demonstrated by the Fellows themselves, their success was made possible by the efforts of the NCLI Board, faculty, staff and peer coaches.

The NCLI’s first residency format is engaging, experiential and challenging to existing held assumptions. Cohort 9 met these challenges head on with intense inquiry, strength of purpose, resolute courage and a willingness to adopt new approaches.

The cohort’s development process will continue as they work within their peer groups over the next seven months towards a greater understanding of how to help their organizations thrive in the complex environment they face. They, like previous cohorts, are committed to learning this new approach to leadership to enhance their organizations problem solving capacity.

Cohort 9’s journey will continue throughout the year and will culminate in May 2015 with a four-day second residency at the National Park Service’s Albright Training Center, near the rim of the Grand Canyon.

For more information about the NCLI, go to

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