Thursday, May 13, 2010

Statement from the Association about the American Power Act

The Association appreciates the release of draft bill language of the American Power Act from Senators Kerry (MA) and Lieberman (CT), which also reflects the work of Senator Graham (SC), as a solid starting point for further development of comprehensive clean energy-climate change policy.

Our initial analysis suggests that the draft retains the agreed-to (by the conservation community) policy architecture of state and federal natural resource adaptation programs, which will enable appropriate responses to the effects of climate change on fish, wildlife and their habitats.

It is not entirely evident if funding is dedicated or subject to appropriations; dedicated funding is essential to the success of natural resource adaptation programs. It is clear that funding for these programs is not available until year seven forward; earlier availability of funding for natural resource adaptation programs is likewise essential to success.

We look forward to continuing to work with Congress as the bill matures through the legislative process to clarify and improve these provisions.

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