Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wildlife Viewing Network Kick-off Meeting

The Wildlife Viewing Network national kick-off meeting starts tonight thru Friday in Montpelier, VA to help develop a charter and campaign to more clearly define the discipline of Wildlife Viewing and identify stable funding sources for state wildlife viewing programs.

This meeting will organize state wildlife viewing programs into a focused national organization to provide leadership in assisting state fish and wildlife agencies through the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies and as a national source for information sharing among state wildlife viewing programs.

The meeting is being hosted by Wildlife Viewing Program Coordinators and AFWA’s Wildlife Viewing and Nature Tourism Working Group.

Did you know… more than 35 states have identified Wildlife Viewing or Watchable Wildlife Programs.

Did you also know… there are birding trail efforts in nearly all 50 states.

Photo by George Andrejko, AZGFD

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