Friday, September 11, 2009

Watch the Association's 2009 Annual Meeting Plenary Session LIVE!

"It's Clean, But is It Green? How Compatible is Renewable Energy Development and Fish and Wildlife Management?"
Monday, September 14, 2009
9:00 am - 10:45 am EST

As our nation struggles to find alternative energy sources to both reduce greenhouse gases as well as minimize our dependence on foreign oil, many fish and managers and others involved in renewable energy are struggling to ensure that “clean energy” is “green energy” and that the environmental benefits are not lost by negatively impacting fish and wildlife and the habitats on which they depend.

Join us for a special Plenary Session and hear perspectives from three individuals on the front lines of this issue. Whether you have extensive experience in this issue or are trying to learn all you can, this plenary session will no doubt better inform you on what is one of the most pressing issues facing our nation, our environment and our fish and wildlife resources today.

Guest speakers:
Tom Strickland, Assistant Secretary of Interior for Fish & Wildlife and Parks and Chief of Staff to Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar. The Department of the Interior will play a key role on the future of renewable energy and fish and wildlife conservation.

Jack Hunt, CEO and President of the King Ranch, Inc in South Texas., who overseas operations on one of the worlds largest ranches. The King Ranch is a diverse operation and includes a very active fish and wildlife management and ecotourism operation.

T. Boone Pickens, founder and chairman of BP Capital Management and proponent of his national Pickens Plan promoting alternatives to oil

Link to 2009 Annual Meeting Plenary Session:

Webcast Production Provided by Texas Parks and Wildlife Department

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